AuftaktChor in der Schule : Heft 21, Ella und Louis Schempp, Susanne, ed Partitur (en)Item number: 083057View itemPrice: 10.25 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
AuftaktChor in der Schule : Heft 21, Ella und Louis Schempp, Susanne, ed CDItem number: 083058View itemPrice: 19.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo Movie!Band 3, Songs aus Disney-Filmen : SA, Klavier Butz, Rainer, ed Partitur (en)Item number: 098275View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo blue!Chorbuch für die Schule : gleiche Stimmen : Hauptband/Lehrerband Brecht, Klaus, 1953- , ed PartiturItem number: 103524View itemPrice: 46.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo blue!Chorbuch für die Schule : gleiche Stimmen : Basis-Set Partitur+Klavierband+2CDItem number: 097905View itemPrice: 89.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo blue!Chorbuch für die Schule : gleiche Stimmen : Musizierband Brecht, Klaus, 1953- , ed PartiturItem number: 098005View itemPrice: 64.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo! greenSingen mit Kindern : Klavierband Brecht, Klaus, edItem number: 101399View itemPrice: 34.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Chorissimo! greenSingen mit Kindern : Medien-Set 2CDItem number: 101400View itemPrice: 42.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vicar, JanChoruses and songs for children[for children's choir and piano, partly with instruments] Score (en)Item number: 052526View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 1 Partitur+CD (en)Item number: 096548View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 2 Partitur+CD (en)Item number: 096549View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 5 Partitur+CD (dt)Item number: 099543View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 6 Partitur+CD (dt)Item number: 099544View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 3 Partitur+CDItem number: 096988View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Der junge Pop-Chor[für zweistimmigen Jugendchor und Klavier] : 4 Partitur+CDItem number: 096989View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schindler, PeterDrei Songs für Kinder[Kinderchor und Klavier] CDItem number: 049769View itemPrice: 11.25 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Andersson, BennyEasy Abbaan enjoyable introduction to ensemble singing [for 2-part choir and piano] Hein, Rick, ed Score+CD (en)Item number: 093970View itemPrice: 15.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
McCartney, PaulEasy Beatlesan enjoyable introduction to ensemble singing [for 2-part choir and piano] Hein, Rick, ed Score+CD (en)Item number: 093969View itemPrice: 15.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Easy Pop ChorVol. 1, 5 leichte Arrangements für 2- bis 3-stimmigen Chor SA oder SAM und Klavier Partitur (dt)Item number: 097921View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Easy movies[for 2-part youth choir and piano] Hein, Rick, ed Score+CD (en)Item number: 089995View itemPrice: 15.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Arch, GwynFolksongs from the wild westSA(B) choir & piano Score (en)Item number: 031538View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Freiburger KinderchorbuchSing für Gott und die Welt : geistliche und weltliche Lieder für Kinder : HauptbandItem number: 083680View itemPrice: 43.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Geissler, SeverinFussballfieber Kalmer, Stefan, edPartitur+CDItem number: 085376View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hits supreme[für Jugendchor und Klavier] Chor in der Schule Hofmann, Bernhard, ed Chorpartitur (en)Item number: 081756View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hundertdreiundzwanzig Songs für Kids im Chortolle zweistimmige Kinderlieder mit spannender, mittelschwerer Klavierbegleitung PartiturItem number: 086891View itemPrice: 29.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hundertelf Hits für Kids im Chordie besten Lieder der bekanntesten Kinderliedermacher in zweistimmigen Bearbeitungen mit KlavierbegleitungItem number: 077569View itemPrice: 26.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zuckowski, RolfLasst die Kinder singen!Rolfs Chorliederbuch : für Kinderchor : 1, Unsere Schule, unser Chor Partitur (dt)Item number: 081342View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zuckowski, RolfLasst die Kinder singen!Rolfs Chorliederbuch : für Kinderchor : 2, Wir sind starke Kinder Partitur (dt)Item number: 081343View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zuckowski, RolfLasst die Kinder singen!Rolfs Chorliederbuch : 3, Wir reisen durch die Jahreszeiten Partitur (dt)Item number: 082182View itemPrice: 12.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mach mit, stimm eindas Kinderchorbuch für Probe, Gottesdienst und Konzert PartiturItem number: 111110View itemPrice: 25.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Musical meets rock 'n' roll AuftaktChor in der Schule ; 9 Kalmer, Stefan, ed 20PartiturenItem number: 072786View itemPrice: 188.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Neunundneunzig Songs im ChorPoppiges für zwei Stimmen vorwiegend mit Klavierbegleitung Kloss, Berthold, ed PartiturItem number: 094825View itemPrice: 20.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Pop und Rocksingen und spielen : Band 1 Lugert, Wulf Dieter, ed PartiturenItem number: 028409View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Pop und Rocksingen und spielen : Band 2 Neumann, Friedrich, ed PartiturenItem number: 028410View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rock und Song aktuellein Songbuch für den Schulunterricht : II Granzow, Peter, ed Partitur (en)Item number: 032147View itemPrice: 32.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vicar, JanSbory a pisnicky pro deti[for children's choir and piano, partly with instruments] Score (ts)Item number: 052527View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bartok, BelaSix children's chorusesScore (en)Item number: 026861View itemPrice: 13.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tierisch musikalisch AuftaktChor in der Schule ; 13 Scheike, Christian, ed 20Partituren (dt)Item number: 072341View itemPrice: 180.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vicar, JanVoda, vodenka = Water, water minefor four- part children's choir and key G Zacek, Jiri, text Score (ts/en)Item number: 055325View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Blake, Howard DavidWalking in the air & other seasonal songsSA(B) choir & piano Score (en)Item number: 031547View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Wenn Hamlet auf ein Ufo trifft24 Musicalhits für Kinder-, Jugend- und Schulchor [und Klavier] Partitur (dt)Item number: 111686View itemPrice: 19.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Wir machen Musik!Liederspass mit beliebten TV-Melodien für Kinderchor & variable Instrumentalgruppe 3StimmenItem number: 062788View itemPrice: 12.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3