Bach, Johann SebastianAcht Choralbearbeitungen Musik für Trompete und Orgel ; 1Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 005865View itemPrice: 17.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Telemann, Georg PhilippAirsfor trumpet and organ Glaser, Victoria, ed Score+1partItem number: 025177View itemPrice: 15.24 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Grahl, KurtAlla breve jubilosofür Trompete und Orgel oder ein anderes Tasteninstrument, 1996 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 064496View itemPrice: 9.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vivaldi, Antonio LucioAllegrodal Concerto in la min : per organo e tromba, op. 3 nr. 8, RV 522 Partitura+2parteItem number: 027322View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
An album of reharmonizations and trumpet descants of familiar hymns[trumpet and organ] Lasky, David, ed Score+1partItem number: 025180View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Thomas, Augusta ReadAngel tears and earth prayersfor organ and trumpet in C, 2006 Sherer, John, edItem number: 105577View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianArien und Chorälefür Trompete und Orgel Kraus, Eberhard, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003349View itemPrice: 11.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Doles, Johann FriedrichAuf meinen lieben GottChoralvorspiel für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 038055View itemPrice: 7.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schubert, Franz PeterAve Mariafor trumpet and organ Kalke, Ernst Thilo, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 070855View itemPrice: 7.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Händel, Georg FriedrichAylesford-Suitefür Trompete und Orgel Kraus, Eberhard, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003346View itemPrice: 12.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Fantini, GirolamoBalletti per tromba e basso10 Tänze für Trompete und Orgel (Klavier) Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 044382View itemPrice: 13.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
BisZugaben und kleine Stücke für Trompete und Orgel : [I] Hunger, Helmut, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 038170View itemPrice: 24.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Biskleine Zugaben für alle Anlässe für Trompete und Orgel : [II] Hunger, Helmut, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 053356View itemPrice: 24.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Biskleine Zugaben für alle Anlässe für Trompete und Orgel : III Hunger, Helmut, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 066267View itemPrice: 25.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
AnonymusCancion para la corneta con el eco on a theme by Lullyfor cornett and organ Score+1partItem number: 047327View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rheinberger, Joseph Gabriel vonCantilene F-Durfür Trompete und Orgel, op. 148,2 Heger, Uwe, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 027565View itemPrice: 8.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mägi, EstherCanto sentimentalefür Trompete in Bb und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 044080View itemPrice: 8.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schlee, Thomas DanielCantusfür Trompete und Orgel, 1998 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 054509View itemPrice: 25.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schilling, Hans LudwigCanzona über Christ ist erstandenfür Trompete und Orgel, 1966 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 015836View itemPrice: 31.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Seckinger, KonradChoral und Fuge über Veni, creator spiritusfür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 012084View itemPrice: 15.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianChoralbearbeitungenfür Trompete und Orgel : I Ensemble Akzente Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 087783View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Choralpräludienfür Trompete und Orgel Wetzlar, Horst, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 031425View itemPrice: 7.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Komma, Karl MichaelChoralsonatefür Trompete oder Posaune und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 016335View itemPrice: 13.29 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rinck, Johann Christian HeinrichChristus, der ist mein Lebenfür Trompete und Orgel Pfeiffer, Harald, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 058239View itemPrice: 7.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoConcerto en fa majeurpour trompette et orgue Alain, Marie Claire, ed Partition+2partiesItem number: 014387View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoConcerto en re mineurpour trompette et orgue, op. 9, no. 2 Alain, Marie Claire, ed Partition+1partieItem number: 067897View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoConcerto en re mineurpour trompette et orchestre Edition trompette/pianoItem number: 013201View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Verkaeren, PhilippeCortegepour trompette ou violon et orgue, opus 23, 2004 Partition+2partiesItem number: 107441View itemPrice: 28.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Geisel, GustavDas sollt ihr, Jesu Jünger, nie vergessenSonate für Trompete und Orgel, 1977 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 014114View itemPrice: 8.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Die festliche TrompeteAusgabe B-Dur für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 086384View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Krebs, Johann LudwigDie sechs Choralvorspielefür Trompete und Orgel Tarr, Edward H., ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 046912View itemPrice: 20.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Telemann, Georg PhilippDouze marches heroiquespour trompette et orgue Partition+2partiesItem number: 023467View itemPrice: 20.35 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lewark, EgbertDrei Miniaturenfür Trompete und Orgel, 1988 Rendel, Bernhard, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 051594View itemPrice: 8.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Buxtehude, DietrichDrei Weihnachtschorälefür 1 Trompete und Orgel Ensemble Akzente Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 087784View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Henze, Hans WernerDrei geistliche Konzertefür Trompete in C und Orgel, 1994-1996 Eggert, Moritz, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 067985View itemPrice: 65.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Werner, FritzDuofür Trompete und Orgel, opus 53, 1973 Tarr, Edward H., ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 013291View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Fantini, GirolamoEight sonatasfor trumpet & organ Edward H. Tarr, ed Score+2partsItem number: 030144View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Händel, Georg FriedrichErwacharia dal Messia : per organo e tromba Machella, Maurizio, ed Partitura+2parteItem number: 027339View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schneider, Norbert Jürgen EnjottExclamatiofür Trompete und Orgel, 1998 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 057747View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lemmens, Nicolas JacquesFanfarefür Orgel mit hinzukomponierter Trompetenstimme Grahl, Kurt, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 044267View itemPrice: 8.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heilmann, HaraldFantasiaper tromba ed organo Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 052632View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Krol, BernhardFantasia notturnafür hohe Trompete und Orgel, op. 54 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003341View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Allers, Hans GüntherFantasia quasi una fanfarafür Trompete und Orgel, op. 48 Nr. 2, 1991 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 063755View itemPrice: 12.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Montsalvatge Bassols, XavierFantasia sobre un coral luteraper a trompeta i orgue Partitura+1parteItem number: 070090View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Weiner, Stanley MiltonFantasie Nr. 1für Trompete und Orgel, op. 57 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 046915View itemPrice: 19.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Feller, HaraldFantasie über ein Thema von Brahmsfür Trompete (Klarinette) und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 095686View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zipp, FriedrichFünf Choralvorspielefür Trompete und Orgel, 1975 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 051548View itemPrice: 9.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schneider, Norbert Jürgen EnjottGethsemanefür Trompete und Orgel, 2006 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 080307View itemPrice: 25.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Händel, Georg FriedrichGloria in excelsis Deofür Trompete (Picc.- Trompete in G hoch, Trompete in C, Trompete in A) & Orgel Partitur+3StimmenItem number: 083254View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klein, Richard RudolfHallelujafür Trompete und Orgel, WV D53, 2000 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 086438View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Händel, Georg FriedrichHe shall feed his flock = Er weidet seine Herdeaus The Messiah : für Trompete & Orgel : Fassung in FItem number: 089984View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heinrich, Claus ErhardIch singe dir mit Herz und MundDuo concertante über den Choral von Johann Crüger für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 061836View itemPrice: 13.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Grahl, KurtIn dir ist Freudedrei Konzertsätze für Trompete B/C und Orgel, 1993, rev. Neuausgabe 2002 : tiefe Ausgabe Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 064494View itemPrice: 9.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kanzleiter, DieterIntermezzofür Trompete und Orgel, 1986 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 044746View itemPrice: 14.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianJesu, meine FreudeChoralpräludium für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 051557View itemPrice: 6.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianJesus que ma joie demeurechoral pour trompette et orgue Partition+2partiesItem number: 003350View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heinrich, Claus ErhardJoshua fit de battle ob JerichoSpiritualimprovisation für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 070850View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Beamish, SallyJunofor trumpet in C and organ, 2005 Score+1partItem number: 105592View itemPrice: 27.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kirchenalbumfür Trompete und Orgel Loritz, Albert, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 087356View itemPrice: 14.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klassikerfür Trompete und Orgel Smith, Lani, ed Score+1partItem number: 084227View itemPrice: 16.99 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ozeki, TamihiroKokyo IIfür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 073222View itemPrice: 11.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gunsenheimer, GustavKonzert über Christ ist erstandenfür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 025050View itemPrice: 11.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Guillou, Jean Victor ArthurL'Ebauche d'un soufflepour trompette en do et orgue, opus 64 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 097815View itemPrice: 29.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Satie, Erik Alfred LeslieLa statue retrouveepour trompette en Ut et orgue ou piano Partition+1partieItem number: 045901View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Charle, DominiqueLa tendresse d'une merepour trompette et orgue Partition+1partieItem number: 107398View itemPrice: 28.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Pfiffner, ErnstLobt den HerrnChoralvariationen für Trompete und Orgel, 1977 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 041069View itemPrice: 11.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Haan, Jacob deMissa brevisfor trumpet and organ or piano Damrow, Frits, Trompete Score+1part+CDItem number: 090433View itemPrice: 18.99 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Telemann, Georg PhilippMore airsfor trumpet and organ Glaser, Victoria, ed Score+1partItem number: 025178View itemPrice: 15.24 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Musica religiosafor brass instrument (trumpet, baritone, trombone) and organ Haan, Jacob de, ed Score+3partsItem number: 090331View itemPrice: 18.99 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Musikfür Trompete und Orgel : Heft 2 Güttler, Ludwig, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 003357View itemPrice: 16.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Neun Chorälefür Trompete und Orgel Stockmeier, Wolfgang, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 031426View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Wittrich, PeterNobody knows the trouble I seeSpiritual- Fantasie für Trompete und Orgel, 1999 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 061833View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Noel = Weihnachten[Melodieinstrument und Orgel] Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 051650View itemPrice: 19.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lebegue, Nicolas AntoineNoelsdrei Weihnachtsstücke für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 023213View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Laux, TorstenNun komm, der Heiden Heilandfür Trompete und Orgel, 2008 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 083939View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Adam, Adolphe CharlesO holy night = Cantique de Noelfür Trompete in B oder C und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 061835View itemPrice: 8.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heinrich, Claus ErhardOh when the saints go marching inSpiritualimprovisation für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 070849View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Eben, PetrOkna podle Marca Chagalla = Fenster nach Marc Chagallvier Sätze für Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 028142View itemPrice: 23.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Wegmann, TheoOstertanzfür Orgel und Trompete, 1982 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 046649View itemPrice: 13.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Wittrich, PeterPartita alla concertino über den Choral Den Herren will ich lobenfür Trompete in B und Orgel, 1996 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 061834View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rheinberger, Joseph Gabriel vonPastoraleaus Sechs Stücke : für 1 Trompete und Orgel, op. 150 Eckart, Matthias, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 087785View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vackar, Dalibor CyrilPrayer for a dead soldierfor trumpet in C and organ Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 041085View itemPrice: 13.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn, Fanny CaeciliaPrelude F-Durfür Orgel und 1-2 Trompeten, 1829 Pfeiffer, Harald, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 071995View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dupuis, LucPuer natus est nobispour trompette et orgue Partition+2partiesItem number: 107411View itemPrice: 30.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schibler, ArminRezitativ und Ostinatofür Trompete und Orgel, 1976 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 041064View itemPrice: 13.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Helmschrott, Robert MaximilianSalutfür Trompete in C oder B und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 085050View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Langlais, JeanSept choralspour trompette ou hautbois ou flute avec accompagnement d'orgue, de piano ou de clavecin Partition+1partieItem number: 081934View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gervaise, ClaudeSept danceries de la Renaissance francaisepour trompette et orgue Partition+2partiesItem number: 021200View itemPrice: 17.79 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Torelli, GiuseppeSinfonia in B-Durfür Trompete und Orgel Wetzlar, Horst, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 051559View itemPrice: 8.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mouret, Jean JosephSinfonies de fanfares D-Durfür Trompete und Orgel Komischke, Uwe, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 082626View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Six voluntariesfor trumpet & organ Cooper, Barry, ed Score+2partsItem number: 015766View itemPrice: 21.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rosier, Carl NatalisSonata Nr. 4trumpet in C/Bb (Oboe) & organ Wisskirchen, Paul, ed Haas, Wolfgang G., ed OrgelauszugItem number: 058115View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoSonata a 6con tromba e organo Kolneder, Walter, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 038169View itemPrice: 13.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Martini, Giovanni BattistaSonata al'postcommuniopour trompette et orgue Alain, Marie Claire, ed Partition+1partieItem number: 038742View itemPrice: 15.24 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schweizer, RolfSonata da chiesafür Trompete und Orgel, 1983 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 025059View itemPrice: 17.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hildemann, WolfgangSonata da chiesa IIIfür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 038930View itemPrice: 17.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Helmschrott, Robert MaximilianSonata da chiesa IVTrompete und Orgel, 1985 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003343View itemPrice: 17.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoSonata in B-durfür Trompete und Orgel Wetzlar, Horst, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 021289View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albinoni, TomasoSonata in Cfür Trompete und Orgel Gossen, Georg, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003351View itemPrice: 10.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Genzmer, HaraldSonatefür Trompete in C und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 018386View itemPrice: 18.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schmidt, HartmutSonatefür Trompete in C oder B und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 038919View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Loeillet, Jean BaptisteSonate en do majeurpour trompette piccolo, orchestre a cordes et clavecin Edition trompette/pianoItem number: 029005View itemPrice: 15.24 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Stolzenbach, LorenzSonatinefür Trompete in D und Orgel, 1985 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 015904View itemPrice: 8.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Sound the trumpetvolume I, Music : for organ and trumpet Tucker, Dale, ed Score+1partItem number: 022459View itemPrice: 17.79 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tüür, Erkki SvenSpectrum IIfür Orgel, Trompete und Percussion ad lib., 1994 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 055565View itemPrice: 20.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kalke, Ernst ThiloSpiritualsfor trumpet in B or C and organ Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 065122View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Laufer, NorbertStufenfür Trompete und Orgel, 1995 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 046668View itemPrice: 11.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Stücke alter Meisterfür ein bis zwei Trompeten und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 007809View itemPrice: 8.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rameau, Jean PhilippeSuite D-durfür Trompete und Orgel Kraus, Eberhard, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 003340View itemPrice: 11.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Alain, Marie ClaireSuite facile sur des themes de Francois Campionpour trompette et orgue Partition+2partiesItem number: 038948View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Purcell, HenrySuite from The Indian queenfür Trompete in C/B (Oboe) & Orgel (B. c.) Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 036135View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Vejvanovsky, Pavel JosefSuite in B-Durfür Trompete und Orgel, 1670 Wetzlar, Horst, ed Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 051549View itemPrice: 8.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
The wonderful world of Purcellfor trumpet and piano Wiggins, Bram, ed Score+1partItem number: 057686View itemPrice: 11.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianThree choralesfor trumpet & organ (piano) or brass quintet Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 035418View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Trauermusikfür Trompete in B/C und Orgel/ Klavier Kalke, Ernst Thilo, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 079635View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Laburda, JiriTristefür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 038924View itemPrice: 13.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianTrois grands airs de cantatespour trompette et orgue, BWV 51 et 205 Partition+2partiesItem number: 021199View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Purcell, HenryTrumpet tunepour trompette et orgue Alain, Marie Claire, ed Partition+2partiesItem number: 006565View itemPrice: 15.24 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Clarke, JeremiahTrumpet voluntaryfor organ and trumpet solo, duet or trio Kingsbury, Chester, ed Score+2partsItem number: 026687View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Stanley, JohnTrumpet voluntaryfor trumpet in D and organ Bate, Jennifer, ed Wiggins, Bram, ed Score+1partItem number: 007368View itemPrice: 11.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mawby, ColinTwenty-eight fanfaresfor solo trumpet & organ Score+1partItem number: 068768View itemPrice: 14.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Twenty-four trumpet tunes and airswith organ or piano Singerling, Jan W., ed Score+1partItem number: 080391View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heinrich, Claus ErhardTwo black spiritualsfür Trompete und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 070830View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Sisask, UrmasUranusSymphonie in fünf Teilen für Trompete, Orgel, Schamanentrommel und Didgeridoo ad lib., 1960 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 055564View itemPrice: 24.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianVier Kantatensätzefür Trompete und Orgel, BWV 12:6, 16:1, 24:6, 77:5 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 051641View itemPrice: 8.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Voluntaries, Sonaten und Konzerte aus dem 17. 18. JahrhundertMusik für Trompete und Orgel ; 3Item number: 009190View itemPrice: 26.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Voluntaries, Sonaten und Konzerte aus dem 17. und 18. JahrhundertMusik für Trompete und Orgel ; 3Item number: 025155View itemPrice: 16.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Voluntaries, Sonaten und Konzerte aus dem 17. und 18. JahrhundertsMusik für Trompete und Orgel ; 4Item number: 013420View itemPrice: 26.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schneider, Norbert Jürgen EnjottYinYangToccata und Melisma für Trompete in B oder C und Orgel Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 088191View itemPrice: 25.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Herchenröder, MartinZungen redenfür Trompete und Orgel, 2000, rev. 2002 PartiturItem number: 074962View itemPrice: 38.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Barth, Hans JoachimZwei Meditationenfür Trompete und Orgel Wetzlar, Horst, ed Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 051618View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Viviani, Giovanni BonaventuraZwei Sonatenfür Trompete und Basso continuo (Orgel, Cembalo oder Klavier), 1678 Partitur+1StimmeItem number: 041086View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Graap, LotharZwei kleine Partitenfür Trompete und Orgel, 1988/1991 Partitur+2StimmenItem number: 051640View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3