Gabrieli, GiovanniAhi, senza teMadrigal für Frauenchor Partitur (it)Item number: 086309View itemPrice: 2.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lechner, KonradAlte Volksliederfür drei bis fünf gleiche Stimmen : Heft I Partitur (dt)Item number: 027871View itemPrice: 4.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lechner, KonradAlte Volksliederfür drei bis fünf gleiche Stimmen : Heft II Das Singwerk Partitur (dt)Item number: 027872View itemPrice: 2.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Genzmer, HaraldAlte Volkslieder in neuen Sätzenfür gleiche Stimmen Partitur (dt)Item number: 054032View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Medek, TiloAn den Aetherfür dreistimmigen Chor gleicher Stimmen und Soli, 1984 Partitur (dt)Item number: 042282View itemPrice: 9.99 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zimmer, HansBest friendsfor 2-part and piano with optional C instrument Pereira, Heitor, text Score+1part (en)Item number: 093979View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Poturlian, Artin BedrosBre, dobre doshal, deverchoza zhenski khor, 1977 Partitura (bu)Item number: 099907View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Vivier, ClaudeChantspour 7 voix de femmes ScoreItem number: 088518View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Warren, HarryChattanooga choo chooSSA accompanied Gordon, Mack, text Huff, Mac, ed 20Scores (en)Item number: 076973View itemPrice: 35.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Delp, ChristopherCome away, come away, deathfor four-part women's voices a cappella Rao, Doreen, ed Score (en)Item number: 064394View itemPrice: 3.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Weimer, HubertusDa unten im Taledeutsches Volkslied aus Schwaben für Frauenchor Partitur (dt)Item number: 074377View itemPrice: 2.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hofmeyr, Hendrik PienaarDaar kom die Alibamaverwerking van 'n Afrikaanse volksliedjie vir vrouekoor SSAA, 2009 Partituur (af)Item number: 111666View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Klein, Richard RudolfDas Laub beginnt zu fallenfür kleine Chöre mit gleichen oder gemischten Stimmen, 1964 Groth, Klaus, 1819-1899, text Partitur (dt)Item number: 098588View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Neubrand, HeinzDas variante MännleinThema mit Variationen für Oberchor a cappella, 1991 Partitur (dt)Item number: 040515View itemPrice: 9.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rehnqvist, KarinDavids nimmfor three female voices, 1984 ScoreItem number: 023430View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Burghardt, BenediktDer Jahreskreis15 zweistimmige Sätze nach alten und neuen Weisen Partitur (dt)Item number: 082287View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schronen, AlwinDer Jäger längs dem Weiher ging[für SSA Chor], 1995 Partitur (dt)Item number: 075865View itemPrice: 2.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Führe, UliDer Mond ist eine Fraufür Frauenchor SSAA a cappella Partitur (dt)Item number: 081491View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Trost, CarstenDer furchtsame Jägerdeutsches Volkslied : Frauenchor a cappella Partitur (dt)Item number: 081927View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brinkmann, Bernd ErichDie ChorprobeScherzo vocale für Frauenchor a cappella, 1998 Brinkmann, Bernd Erich, text Partitur (dt)Item number: 054326View itemPrice: 4.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schubert, Franz PeterDie NachtSopran I, II, Alt Krummacher, Fr. A., text Glorius, Günter, ed 20Partituren (dt)Item number: 073908View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Suslin, Viktor EvseevichDrei Chöre nach Gedichten von Daniil Charmsfür Frauenchor und Sprecherin (kleines Mädchen), 1972 Partitur (ru/dt/en)Item number: 075296View itemPrice: 11.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lechner, KonradDrei Volksliedsätzefür drei und vier gleiche Stimmen a cappella Das Singwerk Partitur (dt)Item number: 027868View itemPrice: 4.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Koerppen, AlfredDrei exemplarische Geschichtenfür Frauenchor : Nr. 1, Der süsse Brei Partitur (dt)Item number: 026292View itemPrice: 10.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Koerppen, AlfredDrei exemplarische Geschichtenfür Frauenchor : Nr. 2, Die drei Spinnerinnen Partitur (dt)Item number: 026293View itemPrice: 6.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Koerppen, AlfredDrei exemplarische Geschichtenfür Frauenchor : Nr. 3, Vom Fischer und seiner Frau Partitur (dt)Item number: 026294View itemPrice: 15.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schubert, Franz PeterDu bist die RuhChorsatz für Frauenchor, opus 59:3, D 776 Welcker, Max, 1878- , ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 091034View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Cheney, Amy MarcyDusk in Junefor SSAA choir and piano ad libitum, opus 82, 1917 Teasdale, Sara, 1884-1933, text Score (en)Item number: 102884View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Hofmeyr, Hendrik PienaarEdenper coro femminile o di voci bianche SSAA, opus 42, 1999 Partitura (af/en)Item number: 111745View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Kruspe, Richard Z.Engelfür Frauenchor SSAA Rammstein, Gruppe Kalmer, Stefan, ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 083247View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lennox, AnnieEurythmicsSweet dreams : für Frauenchor SSAA a cappella Gies, Oliver, ed Partitur (en)Item number: 094555View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hofmeyr, Hendrik PienaarEva en die windtwee gedigt van Sheila Cussons vir gelykstemmige koor SSAA, opus 204, 2019 Score (af)Item number: 107319View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Klein, Richard RudolfFrühlingsliedfür SAA Chor a cappella, WV O02, 1955 Partitur (dt)Item number: 098787View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Zipp, FriedrichFünf Wolkenliederfür drei- bis vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella, 1959 Partitur (dt)Item number: 027875View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Deutschmann, GerhardHerbstgedanken nach Gedichten von Friedrich Rückertfür Frauenchor a cappella, DWV 165 Partitur (dt)Item number: 095721View itemPrice: 4.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klein, Richard RudolfHerzlich tut mich erfreuenfür SSA Chor a cappella, WV O29, 1999 Partitur (dt)Item number: 098794View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Jobim, Antonio CarlosHow insensitivefür Frauenstimmen Jazz im Chor ; Sonderheft Partitur (en)Item number: 033662View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hofmeyr, Hendrik PienaarHow sweet the moonlightfor 8-part treble choir SSSSAAAA, opus 60, 2001 Score (en)Item number: 111844View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Davis, Harold Edward HalI'll be therefür Frauenchor SSAA Hofmann, Bernhard, ed Kalmer, Stefan, ed Partitur (en)Item number: 096725View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Strohbach, SiegfriedIch denke deinfür vierstimmigen Frauenchor, 2002 Partitur (dt)Item number: 080322View itemPrice: 2.30 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Führe, UliIch hab die Nacht geträumetvier Volksliedsätze für Frauenchor a cappella Partitur (dt)Item number: 086781View itemPrice: 5.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ligeti, GyörgyIdegen földön = In der FremdeFrauenchor SMezA a cappella, 1945 Partitur (un/dt/en)Item number: 031526View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn, Arnold LudwigImmer, wenn der Märzwind wehtfür drei Frauenstimmen a cappella, op. 42 Nr. 8 Partitur (dt)Item number: 027874View itemPrice: 3.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Youll, HenryIn the merry month of Maysoprano (cantus), soprano (altus), alto (bassus), pianoforte (for rehearsal only) Score (en)Item number: 068916View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rabe, GerhardJahres-Rhythmuskleiner Zyklus für Frauen-/ Jugendchor a cappella 20Partituren (dt)Item number: 058116View itemPrice: 60.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hofmeyr, HendrikKaljanner kaljannervir koor SSAA, opus 118, 2008 Weideman, George, text Score (af)Item number: 086644View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Brahms, JohannesKanonsfür Frauenstimmen, opus 113 Partitur (dt)Item number: 017064View itemPrice: 7.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Weimer, HubertusKein Feuer, keine Kohledeutsches Volkslied für Frauenchor/Jugendchor Partitur (dt)Item number: 073915View itemPrice: 2.30 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zuccalmaglio, Anton Wilhelm FlorianKein schöner Landfür Frauen- oder Jugendchor Weimer, Hubertus, ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 072500View itemPrice: 2.30 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mocnik, DamijanKralj = The Kingfor unaccompanied treble voices SSAA, 1996 Taufer, Lara Simona, text 20Scores (sl)Item number: 073008View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hatfield, StephenLas Amarillasfor three-part treble voices a cappella Score (sp)Item number: 085355View itemPrice: 3.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Debussy, ClaudeLes angelusfor 6 equal voices SSS/AAA Le Roy, Gregoire, text Gottwald, Clytus, ed Partitur (fr)Item number: 081490View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Moore, ThomasLetzte RoseVolkslied aus Irland für Frauen-/ Jugendchor Hauck, Wolfgang, ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 070559View itemPrice: 1.40 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Golle, JürgenLicht ZeichenChorbuch : Teil I, Für gleiche Stimmen a cappella Partitur (dt)Item number: 020270View itemPrice: 11.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Michnay, Edmund vonLiebes-Szenen nach drei ungarischen Volksliedernein Liederzyklus für Frauenchor Partitur (dt/un)Item number: 043956View itemPrice: 1.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Smetana, BedrichMa hvezdasbor pro tri zenske hlasy SSA = Ma hvezda : for SSA choir Partitur (ts)Item number: 030333View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Hofmeyr, HendrikMa, daar kom die jong soldaatverwerk vir dameskoor SSAA, 2001 Score (af)Item number: 086633View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Klein, Richard RudolfMaienzeit bannet Leidfür SSA Chor a cappella, WV O14, 1984 Reuenthal, Neidhardt von, text Partitur (dt)Item number: 098790View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Ligeti, GyörgyMatraszentimrei dalok = Lieder aus MatraszentimreKinder- oder Frauenchor Partitur (un/dt/en)Item number: 031525View itemPrice: 7.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Distler, HugoMausfallensprüchleinfür Frauenchor, opus 19 Partitur (dt)Item number: 054988View itemPrice: 9.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Eben, PetrMedicamina sempiterna = Ewige KosmetikFrauenchor SMezA a cappella Partitur (la/dt)Item number: 031518View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klein, Richard RudolfMerseburger Zauberspruchfür SSAA Chor a cappella, WV O35, 2008 Partitur (dt)Item number: 098798View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Gietz, HeinzMusik liegt in der Luftaus dem CC-Film Und abends in die Skala : für gleiche Stimmen a cappella, Klavierbegleitung ad lib. Partitur (dt)Item number: 073095View itemPrice: 2.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Nagel, Jan PaulMuzykanty psidu = Musikanten kommendrei Lieder für mehrstimmigen [Frauen-]Chor und Instrumente ad lib. 20Partituren (so/dt)Item number: 057115View itemPrice: 150.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Horner, JamesMy heart will go onlove theme from Titanic : for SSAA a cappella Shaw, Kirby, ed Score (en)Item number: 103438View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Distler, HugoMörike-Chorliederbuchzweiter Teil, Für Frauenchor Partitur (dt)Item number: 017927View itemPrice: 11.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Karolyi, PalNotturnofür 4 zweistimmige Frauenchöre, 1974 PartiturItem number: 035840View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette, Freiin vonO Wundernacht, ich grüssefür SSAA Chor Partitur (dt)Item number: 081734View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Swider, JozefOstinatofür vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella, 1989 PartiturItem number: 033317View itemPrice: 4.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dvorak, AntoninPet moravskych dvojzpevu = Fünf Klänge aus Mährenfür vier Frauenstimmen a cappella, B 107 Partitur (ts/en/dt)Item number: 106697View itemPrice: 14.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mäntyjärvi, JaakkoPseudo-Yoik LiteSSAA, 1994/97 Score (fi)Item number: 083060View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Srebotnjak, AlojzRezijanska = A song from Resiaa dance for unaccompanied treble voices SSAA 20Scores (en/sl)Item number: 073034View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Poos, HeinrichRosen im Taldrei deutsche Volkslieder : Frauenchor a cappella SMezA Partitur (dt)Item number: 082239View itemPrice: 2.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Damrosch, Walter JohannesSic vitamadrigal G major for female chorus, 1882 King, Henry, 1592-1669, text Score (en)Item number: 105596View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Hatfield, StephenSida rudaiatraditional Ukrainian for four- part treble voices a cappella Rao, Doreen, ed Score (uk)Item number: 064407View itemPrice: 3.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ahlen, WaldemarSommarpsalmdam eller barnkör 20Scores (sw)Item number: 072692View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Koszewski, AndrzejSpielefür Frauen- oder Knabenchor, 1968 Ratajczak, Jozef, text Partitur (po/dt/en)Item number: 054372View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bielawa, LisaSpinning flaxfor six-part treble voices a cappella Rao, Doreen, ed 20Scores (en)Item number: 064358View itemPrice: 139.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Silcher, Philipp FriedrichSüss Liebe liebt den Maifür gleiche Stimmen Siegler-Legel, Winfried, ed 20Partituren (dt)Item number: 076247View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gabriel, WilhelmTango-Maxfür gleiche Stimmen a cappella, Klavier-/Akkordeonbegleitung ad lib. Richter, Klaus S., text Partitur (dt)Item number: 080967View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gabriel, WilhelmTango-Maxfür gleiche Stimmen a cappella, Klavier-/Akkordeonbegleitung ad lib. Richter, Klaus S., text 20Chorpartituren (dt)Item number: 080968View itemPrice: 2.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mocnik, DamijanThe King = Kraljfor unaccompanied treble voices SSAA, 1996 Taufer, Lara Simona, text 20Scores (en)Item number: 073009View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Erickson, RobertThe star songSSA chorus, 1944 Herrick, Robert, text Score (en)Item number: 006891View itemPrice: 19.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Monk, Meredith JaneThree heavens and hellssolosits and SSAA a cappella Score (en)Item number: 089052View itemPrice: 12.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lemmermann, HeinzTiritombaleichte musikalische Kost für gesellige Runden mehrstimmig zubereitet und serviert [für Frauenchor] PartiturItem number: 080677View itemPrice: 3.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kardos, DeziderTri vychodoslovenske impresiepre zensky zbor a cappella, op. 42/c Partitura (sl)Item number: 043125View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Copi, AmbrozTu albo to pujütranjo = At dawnSlovenian folksongs for unaccompanied treble voices SSAA, 2004 20Scores (sl/en)Item number: 073036View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gorecki, Henryk MikolajTwo songsfor a choir of 4 equal voices, op. 33, 1972 Score (po)Item number: 034046View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Barth, Hans JoachimUnsre Lieder, unsre WeisenBundeslied für Frauenchor und/oder Männerchor 20Partituren (dt)Item number: 053126View itemPrice: 40.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hofmeyr, HendrikVaarwel my eie soeteliefafrikaanse volkswysie vir SSA dameskoor, 2009 Score (af)Item number: 086631View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Draeseke, Felix August BernhardVier Gesängefür vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella, opus 47 Partitur (dt)Item number: 095702View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusVom Naschenfür dreistimmigen Frauenchor Neumann, Mathieu, ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 019690View itemPrice: 2.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Eben, PetrVon Schwalben und Mädchenneun Volkslieder für dreistimmigen Frauenchor Partitur (dt)Item number: 050590View itemPrice: 16.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Achleitner, HubertWeit, weit wegSSA a cappella Goisern, Hubert von, text Maierhofer, Lorenz, ed Partitur (dt)Item number: 082540View itemPrice: 2.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klein, Richard RudolfWer sich die Musik erkiestfür SSAA Chor a cappella, WV O15, 1984 Partitur (dt)Item number: 098791View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Klein, Richard RudolfWinter-Elegiefür SSA Chor a cappella, WV O01, 1951 Partitur (dt)Item number: 098786View itemPrice: 4.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Eisler, HannsWoodburry-Liederbüchleinfür Frauenchor, 1941 Partitur (en/dt)Item number: 039104View itemPrice: 8.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Scelsi, GiacintoYliampour choeur de femmes, 1964 PartitionItem number: 031767View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Merku, PavleZeleni polog = Green meadowfolksong for unaccompanied treble voices SSAA, 1982 20Scores (en/sl)Item number: 073030View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Weimer, HubertusZum Tanze da geht ein Mädelschwedisches Volkslied für Frauenchor SSA Partitur (dt)Item number: 067102View itemPrice: 2.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesZwölf Lieder und Romanzenfür Frauenchor, opus 44 : Heft I Partitur (dt)Item number: 017065View itemPrice: 6.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesZwölf Lieder und Romanzenfür Frauenchor, opus 44 : Heft II Partitur (dt)Item number: 017066View itemPrice: 7.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesZwölf Lieder und Romanzenfür vierstimmigen Frauenchor und Klavier ad lib., op. 44 Partitur (dt)Item number: 020711View itemPrice: 16.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3