Maxwell Davies, PeterA birthday card for Prince Charlesfor string ensemble, 2008 Score+5partsItem number: 085619View itemPrice: 16.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hindemith, PaulAcht Stückefür 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabass, opus 44/3 5StimmenItem number: 083513View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Cerha, FriedrichAcht Sätze nach Hölderlin-Fragmentefür Streichsextett, 1995 PartiturItem number: 048636View itemPrice: 59.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Cerha, FriedrichAcht Sätze nach Hölderlin-Fragmentefür Streichsextett, 1995 6StimmenItem number: 048637View itemPrice: 106.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hummel, BertoldAdagiettofür Streichsextett, opus 75d, 1978/1999 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 081053View itemPrice: 23.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albrechtsberger, Johann GeorgAdagio e fugaper due quartetti d'archi Brodszky, Ferenc, ed TaschenpartiturItem number: 033516View itemPrice: 13.55 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Albrechtsberger, Johann GeorgAdagio e fuga in Cper due quartetti d'archi Brodszky, Ferenc, ed 8StimmenItem number: 033515View itemPrice: 35.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Czapek, JosefAndante religioso G-durför altfiol ackompanjerad av tva altfioler, tva violonceller och kontrabas alternativt piano eller orgel,Item number: 082570View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Czernowin, ChayaAnea crystaltwo string quartets (Seed I, Seed II) and an octet (Anea), 2008 Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 085053View itemPrice: 68.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Komarova, Tat'ianaAuf immer und ewig!?für Streichsextett, 2005 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 085560View itemPrice: 25.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Thomas, Bernard, ed 2Bände ScoreItem number: 037702View itemPrice: 94.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Canto (all instruments)Item number: 037703View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Quinta (all instruments)Item number: 037704View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Alto (wind clefs)Item number: 037705View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Tenore (wind clefs)Item number: 037706View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Basso (all instruments)Item number: 037707View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Alto (string clefs)Item number: 037708View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannBanchetto musicalefor five instruments, 1617 Tenore (string clefs)Item number: 037709View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gabrieli, GiovanniCanzon 5zu 7 Stimmen, 1615 Mönkemeyer, Helmut, ed Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 039434View itemPrice: 15.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Penderecki, KrzysztofCiaccona In memoriam Giovanni Paolo IIper sestetto d'archi, 2005 Ludwig, Claus Dieter, ed 2018 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 101300View itemPrice: 30.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dowland, JohnComplete consort musicfor viols or recorders Hunt, Edgar, ed Score+9parts+slipcaseItem number: 043679View itemPrice: 34.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Cardelus, ArturoCon aire de tangofor string quintet and solo violin Score+6partsItem number: 097443View itemPrice: 99.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Adson, JohnCourtly masquing ayrescomposed to 5. and 6. parts for violins, consorts and cornets : facsimile 6PartsItem number: 085331View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Czernowin, ChayaDam sheon hachol = The hour glass bleeds still = Das Stundenglas blutet nochfür Streichsextett, 1992, rev. 1999 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 071135View itemPrice: 55.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Haydn, Franz JosephDas EchoSuite für zwei Streichtrios, vier Violinen und zwei Violoncelli Schröder, Karl, ed PartiturItem number: 032762View itemPrice: 10.40 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Henze, Hans WernerDer junge TörlessFantasia für Streichsextett, 1965 PartiturItem number: 051220View itemPrice: 17.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edTenor (Viola pomposa/Tenorgambe 1)Item number: 003851View itemPrice: 25.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edAlt (Viola, Originallage)Item number: 003852View itemPrice: 19.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edBass (Cello/Tenorgambe 2/Violone)Item number: 003853View itemPrice: 19.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edTenor (Quartettviola/Altgambe)Item number: 003854View itemPrice: 18.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edAlt (Violine 2/Diskantgambe 2)Item number: 003855View itemPrice: 18.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianDie Kunst der Fuge Diener, Hermann, edSopran (Quartettvioline 1/Violine Originallage/Item number: 003856View itemPrice: 18.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Smetana, BedrichDie Moldaufür fünf Melodie-Instrumente [variable Besetzung] Walter, Gert, ed Partitur+32StimmenItem number: 102296View itemPrice: 9.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lanner, Joseph Franz KarlDie MozartistenWalzer : 2 Vl., Vla., Vlc., Kb., Werk 196 Angerer, Paul, ed 5StimmenItem number: 063921View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gervasoni, StefanoDircommento a In Dir per doppio trio d'archi, 2003-04 PartituraItem number: 006506View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Offenbach, JacquesDivertimento über Schweizer Liederfür Cello, 2 Violinen, Viola und Bass, op. 1 Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 020266View itemPrice: 21.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Peron Cano, CarlosDoble cuartetopara 2 cuartetos de cuerda, 2015 Partitura+8partesItem number: 095403View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Spohr, LouisDoppel-Quartett Nr. 1 D-mollfür 4 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 65 Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 023291View itemPrice: 94.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Spohr, LouisDoppel-Quartett [Es-dur]für 4 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelles, op. 77 PartiturItem number: 075357View itemPrice: 54.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Spohr, LouisDoppel-Quartett [e-moll]für 4 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelles, op. 87 PartiturItem number: 075359View itemPrice: 54.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Spohr, LouisDoppel-Quartett no. 4 g-mollfür 4 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 136 PartiturItem number: 075358View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Spohr, LouisDoppelquartettfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 136 Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 058587View itemPrice: 55.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Respighi, OttorinoDoppio quartetto in re minoreper archi, 1900 PartituraItem number: 104747View itemPrice: 94.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Milton, JohnDrei Fantasienfür fünf Stimmen für Streich- oder Blasinstrumente Consortium Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 027749View itemPrice: 17.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ferrabosco, AlfonsoDrei Fantasienfür drei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli Mönkemeyer, Helmut, ed PartiturItem number: 032434View itemPrice: 8.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schein, Johann HermannDrei Suitenaus Banchetto musicale : für fünf Streich- oder Blasinstrumente PartiturItem number: 041399View itemPrice: 11.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Haydn, Franz JosephEchoSextett für vier Violinen und zwei Violoncelli Koschinsky, Fritz, ed 6StimmenItem number: 020055View itemPrice: 13.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tenney, James CarlErgodos I ; Instrumental responses to Ergodos Ifor any number of strings, winds, brasses, voices and/orItem number: 073176View itemPrice: 130.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schubert, Franz PeterFantasie in f minorfor string sextet, op. 103, D 940 Lermer, Firmian, ed Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 093511View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Heilmann, HaraldFantasie über Goethefür Streichsextett PartiturItem number: 052635View itemPrice: 12.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Thomas-Mifune, WernerFigaro in Afrikafür Violoncello-Solo oder Kontrabass-Solo und Streichquartett Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 033585View itemPrice: 35.60 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bach, Johann SebastianFuge b-Mollfür zwei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli, BWV 867 Beethoven, Ludwig van, ed 5StimmenItem number: 041792View itemPrice: 10.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Scheidt, SamuelFünfstimmige Tänzefür Streicher oder Bläser Höffer-von Winterfeld, Linde, ed PartiturItem number: 033544View itemPrice: 3.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kirchner, Volker DavidGethsemaniNotturno für Streichsextett, 1994 Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 035534View itemPrice: 44.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Turull Creixell, XavierGneisviolino concertante e quintetto di corda o complesso d'archi Partitura+6partesItem number: 062719View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ries, FerdinandGrand sextuor a-mollfür Streichsextett [1-1-2-2-0], WoO 63 Koenigsbeck, Bodo, ed Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 099048View itemPrice: 49.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusGrande sestetto concertante [Es-dur]für Streichsextett, nach KV 364, 1808 Hogwood, Christopher, ed PartiturItem number: 077967View itemPrice: 29.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusGrande sestetto concertante [Es-dur]für Streichsextett, nach KV 364, 1808 Hogwood, Christopher, ed 6StimmenItem number: 077968View itemPrice: 34.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Widmann, JörgHundred and eighty beats per minutefür Streichsextett (2 Violinen, 1 Viola, 3 Violoncelli, oder 2 Violinen, 2 Violen, 2Item number: 092881View itemPrice: 45.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hassler, Hans LeoIntradenaus dem Lustgarten : für sechs Streich- oder Blasinstrumente PartiturItem number: 055711View itemPrice: 15.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Donizetti, GaetanoIntroduzioneper archi Spada, Pietro, ed Partitura+5partiItem number: 020143View itemPrice: 30.58 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Italienische MeisterMadrigal-Fantasien zu fünf Stimmen, um 1635 Mönkemeyer, Helmut, ed PartiturItem number: 032433View itemPrice: 8.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Busch, SigiJazzfor string ensemble Modern strings Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 092764View itemPrice: 27.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, ArnoldKammermusikI : kritischer Bericht, Skizzen, Entstehungs- und Werkgeschichte, Dokumente, Fragmente, frühe Stücke LeinenItem number: 063316View itemPrice: 297.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, ArnoldKammermusikI Schubel, Dorothee, ed Sämtliche Werke ; A:VI:22:1 LeinenItem number: 054419View itemPrice: 104.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kok, RonaldKiller whalesfor viola and four double-basses, 1978 Partituur+5partijenItem number: 088274View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schumann, Robert AlexanderKonzert in a-mollTranskription für Violoncello und Streichquartett, op. 129, 1850 5StimmenItem number: 111870View itemPrice: 44.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rognoni Taeggio, Giovanni DomenicoLa PortaCanzone für acht Instrumentalstimmen in zwei Chören, 1605 Winter, Paul, ed PartiturItem number: 011697View itemPrice: 7.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dowland, JohnLachrimaeoder Sieben Tränen dargestellt in sieben tief empfundenen Pavanen für fünfstimmigen Violen- oder Blockflötenchor undItem number: 023035View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Koechlin, Charles Louis EugeneLe portrait de Daisy Hamilton, opus 140volume 7, Dix pieces : pour sextuor a cordes, 1934-38Item number: 086716View itemPrice: 49.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Takemitsu, ToruLe son calligraphie 3pour 8 instruments a cordes, 1960 PartitionItem number: 032470View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Takemitsu, ToruLe son-calligraphie 1pour 8 instruments a cordes PartitionItem number: 043953View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Peron Cano, CarlosLombardi bluesfor four violins and double bass, 2017 Partitura+5partesItem number: 098958View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Strauss, RichardMetamorphosenfor string septet, 1945/1990 Leopold, Rudolf, ed Miniature scoreItem number: 062376View itemPrice: 19.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schultz, JohannesMusicalischer LüstgarteInstrumental- und Vokalstücke für Gambenconsort oder andere Instrumente, Lüneburg 1622 : Heft 5, fünfstimmigItem number: 109172View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schultz, JohannesMusicalischer LüstgarteInstrumental- und Vokalstücke für Gambenconsort oder andere Instrumente, Lüneburg 1622 : Heft 6, sechsstimmigItem number: 109173View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schultz, JohannesMusicalischer LüstgarteInstrumental- und Vokalstücke für Gambenconsort oder andere Instrumente, Lüneburg 1622 : Heft 7,Item number: 109174View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schultz, JohannesMusicalischer LüstgarteInstrumental- und Vokalstücke für Gambenconsort oder andere Instrumente, Lüneburg 1622 : Heft 8, achtstimmig,Item number: 109175View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Hiller, WilfriedNacht des roten Mondesfünf magische Miniaturen nach Alastair für Streichoktett Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 088956View itemPrice: 31.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tchaikovsky, Peter IlichNocturne d-Mollfür Violoncello solo und Streicher, 1888 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 042094View itemPrice: 23.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Copland, AaronNonetfor strings, 1960 Miniature scoreItem number: 034411View itemPrice: 19.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixOctet Eb majorfor 4 violins, 2 violas and 2 violoncellos, op. 20 Alberti, Max, ed Miniature scoreItem number: 013995View itemPrice: 16.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gade, Niels WilhelmOctet, sextet and quintetsfor strings Hansen, Finn Egeland, ed Cloth Works ; II:1 ScoreItem number: 081303View itemPrice: 379.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Svendsen, Johan SeverinOctett [A-dur]für Streicher, op. 3, 1866 Schlüren, Christoph, ed StudienpartiturItem number: 089716View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Enesco, GeorgesOctuor Ut majeurpour 4 violons, 2 altos et 2 violoncelles, op. 7 8PartsItem number: 081742View itemPrice: 169.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Enesco, GeorgesOctuor en ut Majeurpour 4 violons, 2 altos et 2 violoncelles, op. 7 Partition miniatureItem number: 054888View itemPrice: 64.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gliere, Reinhold MoritsevichOktettfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 5 8StimmenItem number: 099666View itemPrice: 109.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixOktettfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 20 8StimmenItem number: 013390View itemPrice: 32.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gliere, Reinhold MoritsevichOktettfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 5 TaschenpartiturItem number: 015996View itemPrice: 89.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Malling, Otto ValdemarOktettfür 4 Violinen, 2 Bratschen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 50 8StimmenItem number: 069559View itemPrice: 49.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Malling, Otto ValdemarOktettfür 4 Violinen, 2 Bratschen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 50 Birtel, Wolfgang, ed PartiturItem number: 064498View itemPrice: 34.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gade, Niels WilhelmOktett A-Dur [sicF-dur] : für vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 17 8StimmenItem number: 011719View itemPrice: 79.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Svendsen, Johan SeverinOktett A-durfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 3 8StimmenItem number: 007482View itemPrice: 50.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gade, Niels WilhelmOktett F-durfür vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 17, 1883 Partitur (2Bände)Item number: 106500View itemPrice: 79.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Bruch, MaxOktett [B-dur]für Soli oder Streichorchester, op. posth., 1920 Wood, Thomas, ed PartiturItem number: 046879View itemPrice: 32.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bruch, MaxOktett [B-dur]für Soli oder Streichorchester, op. posth., 1920 Wood, Thomas, ed 8StimmenItem number: 046880View itemPrice: 44.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixOktett [Es-dur]für vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 20, 1825 Wehner, Ralf, ed TaschenpartiturItem number: 080882View itemPrice: 17.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixOktett [Es-dur]für vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 20 Leinen Wehner, Ralf, ed PartiturItem number: 069636View itemPrice: 272.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, FelixOktett [Es-dur]für vier Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 20 Wehner, Ralf, ed 8StimmenItem number: 081175View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Klenes, AndreOrient)o(Occidentpour quintette a cordes [1-1-1-1-1] Partition+5partiesItem number: 107416View itemPrice: 42.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kirchner, Volker DavidOrphischer Gesang IIfür Streichsextett, 1998 Partitur+3StimmenItem number: 058434View itemPrice: 44.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dorati, AntalOttettoper 4 violini, 2 viole, 2 violoncello, 1964 PartituraItem number: 085754View itemPrice: 314.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Aumann, Franz JosephPartita G-Durfür 4 Violinen und Violoncello ohne Gebrauch eines Fingers Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 040355View itemPrice: 23.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tomkins, ThomasPavan, Galliard und zwei Fantasienfür vier Violinen und zwei Violoncelli Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 009431View itemPrice: 17.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Martin, FrankPavane Couleur du tempsviolon I, II, alto, violoncelle I, II ou contrebasse, 1920 PartitionItem number: 025768View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Holborne, AnthonyPavans, galliards, almains and other short aeires both grave and lightin five parts for viols, violins or other musicall windeItem number: 087901View itemPrice: 54.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Couperin, FrancoisPieces en concertpour violoncelle et quatuor a cordes Partition+5partiesItem number: 031414View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lauber, Anton JosephQuatre piecettes caracteristiquespour cinq violoncelles et contrebasse, 1936 : Facsimile Partition+6partiesItem number: 112243View itemPrice: 64.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Lauber, Anton JosephQuatre piecettes caracteristiquespour cinq violoncelles et contrebasse Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 075455View itemPrice: 69.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Goldmark, KarlQuintettfür zwei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli, opus 9, 1870 PartiturItem number: 107313View itemPrice: 69.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Goldmark, KarlQuintettfür 2 Violinen, 1 Viola und 2 Violoncelli, op. 9, 1870 5StimmenItem number: 107283View itemPrice: 72.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Onslow, Andre Georges LouisQuintett Nr. 7 in Es-Durfür zwei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli (oder für zwei Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabass ;Item number: 091374View itemPrice: 84.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Eybler, Joseph Leopold, Edler vonQuintett [B-dur]für Violine, zwei Violen, Violoncello und Kontrabass, op. 6:2, EWV 188 5StimmenItem number: 041801View itemPrice: 28.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Lachner, Franz PaulQuintett c-Mollfür zwei Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabass, 1834 5StimmenItem number: 019768View itemPrice: 31.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gade, Niels WilhelmQuintett f-mollfür zwei Violinen, Viola und zwei Violoncelli : Facsimile nach der Handschrift des Komponisten, 1837 PartiturItem number: 083655View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Dragonetti, DomenicoQuintett in B-Durfür Solo-Kontrabass (Solo- Violine), Violine, 2 Violen und Basso Koch, Nanna, ed PartiturItem number: 078099View itemPrice: 19.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dragonetti, DomenicoQuintett in C-Durfür Solo-Kontrabass (Solo- Violine), Violine, 2 Violen und Basso (Violoncello) PartiturItem number: 007924View itemPrice: 24.55 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tenney, James CarlQuintextfive textures for string quartet and bass, 1972 ScoreItem number: 008359View itemPrice: 90.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Martin, FrankRapsodieviolon I, violon II, alto I, alto II, contrebasse AUTORISIERTE VERLAGSKOPIE 5StimmenItem number: 026155View itemPrice: 149.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Martin, FrankRhapsodiepour deux violons, deux altos et contrebasse, 1935 PartiturItem number: 025767View itemPrice: 39.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gonzalez Prieto, RodrigoRomanza no. 1for violin and strings, 2002 Score+17partsItem number: 054739View itemPrice: 69.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Sperger, Johann MatthiasRomanze d-Mollfür Kontrabass und Streichquartett Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 003656View itemPrice: 18.65 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Sperger, Johann MatthiasRomanze d-Mollfür Solo-Kontrabass und Streichquartett (Klavier), T 26 Trumpf, Klaus, ed Klavierauszug+5StimmenItem number: 082438View itemPrice: 5.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Boccherini, LuigiSei quintettiper due violini, viola e due violoncelli, op. 27, opera piccola, 1779, G. 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 : prima versioneItem number: 068134View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Boccherini, LuigiSei sestettiper due violini, due viole, due violoncelli, op. 23 : vol. II, G. 457-459 6PartiItem number: 028298View itemPrice: 48.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Boccherini, LuigiSei sestettiper due violini, due viole, due violoncelli, op. 23 : vol. Io, G. 454-456 PartituraItem number: 044272View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dvorak, AntoninSextet A majorfor 2 violins, 2 violas and 2 violoncellos, op. 48 Clapham, John, ed Miniature scoreItem number: 041892View itemPrice: 14.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextet Bb majorfor 2 violins, 2 violas and 2 violoncellos, op. 18 Miniature scoreItem number: 010883View itemPrice: 13.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextet G majorfor 2 violins, 2 violas and 2 violoncellos, op. 36 Miniature scoreItem number: 023569View itemPrice: 15.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Constantinescu, DanSextet de coarde, 1976Partitura+6parteItem number: 011613View itemPrice: 49.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Kagel, Mauricio RaulSexteto de cuerdas, 1953 AUTORISIERTE VERLAGSKOPIEPartiturItem number: 031393View itemPrice: 89.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Spohr, LouisSextettfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, op. 140 6StimmenItem number: 008077View itemPrice: 40.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schulhoff, ErvinSextettfür zwei Violinen, zwei Bratschen, zwei Violoncelli, 1924 : Facsimile PartiturItem number: 027826View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Schulhoff, ErvinSextettfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, 1924 Rische, Michael, ed PartiturItem number: 045763View itemPrice: 58.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schulhoff, ErvinSextettfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, 1924 Rische, Michael, ed 6StimmenItem number: 045764View itemPrice: 43.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gade, Niels WilhelmSextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Bratschen und 2 Violoncelle, op. 44 6StimmenItem number: 074711View itemPrice: 64.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Lewandowsky, MaxSextett = Sextuorpour deux violons, deux violes et deux violoncelles, op. 5 6StimmenItem number: 085871View itemPrice: 74.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Dvorak, AntoninSextett A-Dur2 Violinen, 2 Bratschen, 2 Violoncelli, op. 48 6StimmenItem number: 021130View itemPrice: 35.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rimskii-Korsakov, Nikolai AndreevichSextett A-durfür Streicher 6StimmenItem number: 008075View itemPrice: 40.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Korngold, Erich WolfgangSextett D-durfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli opus 10, 1914-1916 PartiturItem number: 036504View itemPrice: 54.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Korngold, Erich WolfgangSextett D-durfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 10, 1914-1916 6StimmenItem number: 036505View itemPrice: 58.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Reger, MaxSextett F-Dur[für 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli], op. 118 PartiturItem number: 081868View itemPrice: 37.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Reger, MaxSextett F-durfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 118 6StimmenItem number: 015167View itemPrice: 37.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Börresen, Aksel Ejnar HakonSextett G-durfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 5, 1901 PartiturItem number: 112109View itemPrice: 49.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Börresen, Aksel Ejnar HakonSextett G-durfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 5, 1901 6StimmenItem number: 112110View itemPrice: 79.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Pleyel, Ignaz JosephSextett [F-dur]für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen, Violoncello und Kontrabass, B 261 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 022632View itemPrice: 49.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextett in Bfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 18 Hogwood, Christopher, ed 6StimmenItem number: 088324View itemPrice: 43.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextett in Bfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 18 Hogwood, Christopher, ed StudienenpartiturItem number: 088325View itemPrice: 15.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextett in Gfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 36 Hogwood, Christopher, ed 6StimmenItem number: 088574View itemPrice: 43.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesSextett in Gfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 36 Hogwood, Christopher, ed StudienpartiturItem number: 088576View itemPrice: 16.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Indy, Paul Marie Theodore Vincent d'Sextuorpour deux violons, deux altos et deux violoncelles, op. 92 6PartiesItem number: 065819View itemPrice: 39.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Indy, Paul Marie Theodore Vincent d'Sextuor en Si bemol majeurpour deux violons, deux altos et deux violoncelles, opus 92, 1927 Partition+6partiesItem number: 104347View itemPrice: 84.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Wagenseil, Georg ChristophSinfonia-sestetto A-Durfür 4 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello, WV 487 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 051262View itemPrice: 31.75 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Beethoven, Ludwig vanSinfonie no. 6 F-durfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, opus 68, 1808 Fischer, Michael Gotthard, ed 6StimmenItem number: 100539View itemPrice: 59.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Ghro, JohannesSix intradasfor five instruments, 1603 Thesaurus musicus ; 25 ScoreItem number: 023258View itemPrice: 14.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schulhoff, ErwinSmyccovy sextet = Streichsextettfür zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli, 1924 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 105454View itemPrice: 104.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 also
Dvorak, AntoninSmyccovy sextet A dur = Streichsextett A-dur, op. 48, 1878Burghauser, Jarmil, ed 6StimmenItem number: 092965View itemPrice: 35.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gabrieli, GiovanniSonata Nr. XIIIfür acht Instrumentalstimmen in zwei Chören, 1615 Winter, Paul, ed PartiturItem number: 011698View itemPrice: 5.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Pezel, Johann ChristophSonata abellazu 6 Stimmen und Basso continuo ad lib., 1686 Partitur+9StimmenItem number: 039435View itemPrice: 15.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Zannetti, FrancescoSonata da camerafor three violins and two cellos Pyron, Nona, ed Score+5partsItem number: 044906View itemPrice: 34.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schule, BernardSonatepour contrebasse et quatuor a cordes, op. 105, 1977 Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 072288View itemPrice: 49.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Bermel, DerekSoul gardenfor solo viola and string quintet, 2000 Score+6partsItem number: 076547View itemPrice: 79.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tchaikovsky, Peter IlichSouvenir de FlorenceStreichsextett : 2 Violinen, 2 Violen, 2 Violoncelli, opus 70 PartiturItem number: 041251View itemPrice: 27.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Tchaikovsky, Peter IlichSouvenir de Florencesextet : 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 violoncelli, op. 70 6StimmenItem number: 028552View itemPrice: 48.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreich-Sextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 18 Gewandhaus-Quartett 6StimmenItem number: 010813View itemPrice: 34.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreich-Sextett G-Durfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 36 6StimmenItem number: 012876View itemPrice: 34.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Thoma, Xaver PaulStreichsextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Bratschen und 2 Violoncelli, opus 130, 2002/2003 PartiturItem number: 077856View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Strauss, RichardStreichsextettaus Capriccio, opus 85 6StimmenItem number: 013596View itemPrice: 11.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Borodin, Aleksandr Porfir'evichStreichsextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli Lamm, Paul, ed Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 015156View itemPrice: 40.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Strauss, RichardStreichsextettaus der Oper Capriccio : Vorspiel, opus 85 PartiturItem number: 044961View itemPrice: 6.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dvorak, AntoninStreichsextett A-dur, op. 486StimmenItem number: 069984View itemPrice: 19.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Dohnanyi, ErnöStreichsextett B-dur[für zwei Violinen, zwei Violen und zwei Violoncelli] Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 105432View itemPrice: 124.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreichsextett Nr. 1 B-dur, opus 18, 1859/1860 Eich, Katrin, ed6StimmenItem number: 101077View itemPrice: 35.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreichsextett Nr. 1 B-dur, opus 18, 1859/60 Eich, Katrin, edStudienpartiturItem number: 101445View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Franck, EduardStreichsextett Nr. 1 [Es-dur]für 2 Violinen, 2 Violen, 2 Violoncelli, op. 41 Pfefferkorn, Nick, ed 6StimmenItem number: 104469View itemPrice: 47.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreichsextett Nr. 2 G-dur, opus 36, 1864 Eich, Katrin, ed6StimmenItem number: 101823View itemPrice: 37.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreichsextett Nr. 2 G-dur, opus 36, 1864/1865 Eich, Katrin, edStudienpartiturItem number: 101835View itemPrice: 14.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Franck, EduardStreichsextett Nr. 2 [D-dur]für 2 Violinen, 2 Violen, 2 Violoncelli, op. 50 Pfefferkorn, Nick, ed 6StimmenItem number: 104470View itemPrice: 47.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Rentzsch, FriedhelmStreichsextett, 1981PartiturItem number: 076447View itemPrice: 9.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Brahms, JohannesStreichsextette Nr. 1 B-Dur, opus 18, Nr. 2 G-Dur, opus 36 LeinenEich, Katrin, ed PartiturItem number: 099667View itemPrice: 250.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Franck, EduardStreichsextette Nr. 1, op. 41 ; Nr. 2, op. 50 Pfefferkorn, Nick, edStudienpartiturItem number: 104473View itemPrice: 21.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gliere, Reinhold MoritsevichString octet, op. 58PartsItem number: 081753View itemPrice: 49.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gliere, Reinhold MoritsevichString octet, op. 5Miniature scoreItem number: 055271View itemPrice: 18.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Waterhouse, GrahamString sextet, op. 1, 1979-2023Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 109639View itemPrice: 61.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphonie Nr. 6 F-Durfür Streichsextett, op. 68 Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 101528View itemPrice: 79.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Stefaniak, PiotrTake five cellos for a silent nightfür 5 Violoncelli und Kontrabass (oder 6 Violoncelli) und Klavier ad lib. Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 071986View itemPrice: 24.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Yun, IsangTapispour cordes, 1987 Partitur+5StimmenItem number: 025862View itemPrice: 22.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Coperario, JohnThe five-part pices Charteris, Richard, edScoreItem number: 048671View itemPrice: 319.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Beamish, SallyThe wiser maidfor string sextet, 2002 ScoreItem number: 074660View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Malhaire, PhilippeThree choralesfor string sextet, opus 12, 2016 Partition+6partiesItem number: 097668View itemPrice: 44.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Denhoff, MichaelTwo once so oneBeckett-Momente für Streichquartett, Viola und Violoncello, 1992 PartiturItem number: 051789View itemPrice: 19.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Shim, KunsuVague sensations of something vanishingfor string quartet & double bass, 1992 PartiturItem number: 046738View itemPrice: 24.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Baumann, Herbert Karl WilhelmVariationen über ein Thema von Händelfür Streicher Spielräume Partitur+6StimmenItem number: 055664View itemPrice: 19.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, Arnold Franz WalterVerklärte Nachtfür sechs Streichinstrumente, op. 4, 1899 PartiturItem number: 004903View itemPrice: 25.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, Arnold Franz WalterVerklärte Nachtfür sechs Streichinstrumente, op. 4, 1899 6StimmenItem number: 037768View itemPrice: 33.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, Arnold Franz WalterVerklärte NachtStreichsextett, opus 4, 1899 Oppermann, Annette, 1965- , ed StudienpartiturItem number: 110606View itemPrice: 18.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Schönberg, Arnold Franz WalterVerklärte NachtStreichsextett, opus 4, 1899 Oppermann, Annette, 1965- , ed 6StimmenItem number: 110609View itemPrice: 32.00 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Feldman, MortonViolin and string quartet, 1985PartiturItem number: 036729View itemPrice: 79.95 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Luetkeman, PaulZwei Choralfantasienfür fünf Melodieinstrumente Thalheimer, Peter, ed PartiturItem number: 035431View itemPrice: 13.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Ferrabosco, AlfonsoZwei Fantasienzu 6 Stimmen Mönkemeyer, Helmut, ed Partitur+8StimmenItem number: 039437View itemPrice: 15.20 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Shostakovich, Dmitrii DmitrievichZwei Stückefür Streichoktett, opus 11, 1924/1925 Sikmuz PartiturItem number: 054774View itemPrice: 20.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Shostakovich, Dmitrii DmitrievichZwei Stückefür Streichoktett, opus 11, 1924-1925 Sikmuz 8StimmenItem number: 054775View itemPrice: 37.50 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Gabrieli, GiovanniZweite Canzonefür acht Instrumentalstimmen in zwei Chören, 1597 Winter, Paul, ed PartiturItem number: 033472View itemPrice: 12.80 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Eröd, IvanZweites Streichsextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 68, 1996 PartiturItem number: 097028View itemPrice: 29.90 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3 -
Eröd, IvanZweites Streichsextettfür 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und 2 Violoncelli, op. 68, 1996 6StimmenItem number: 097029View itemPrice: 32.10 €incl. VAT, excl. shipping
Germany Abroad Digital Shipping costs in € 7.00 15.00 0.00 Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3