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Farwell, Arthur George

Tone pictures after pastels in prose for piano, opus 7, 1895

Item number: 108452
Price: 34.90 €
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  Germany Abroad Digital
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Delivery time in days 5 to 14 5 to 21 3
1. Roses and lilies / Theodore de Banville,
2. 1823-1891
3. The sages' dance / Judith Gautier, 1845-1917
4. The stranger / Charles Baudelaire, 1821-1867
5. Indifference to the lures of spring /
6. Judith Gautier, 1845-1917
7. The red flower / Judith Gautier, 1845-1917
8. Anywhere out of the world / Charles Baudelaire,
9. 1821-1867
10. Evening on the water / Louis Bertrand, 1807-1841
11. A poet gazes on the moon / Judith Gautier,
12. 1845-1917
13. The round under the bell / Louis Bertrand,
14. 1807-1841